We're getting ready to plant new trees and shrubs in our backyard, so I've been scoping out other people's yards to get ideas for what we'd want. What has pretty flowers, what makes a MESS with those pretty flowers two weeks later, which ones have annoying or sticky seedpods that mess up your lawn and your shoes, which ones grow UP and which grow OUT... It's all very fascinating and I've come to like way more plants that we'll have room to plant. But the weird thing I'm noticing is that everything seems to be about PINK. Most flowering trees (they only bloom for a couple of weeks, if that long) bloom either white or pink... There are about 10 different shades of pink from delicate and light to a dark rosy wine color. All very beautiful. But why Pink? Why not yellow or red or purple? hmm. We already have a beautiful pink-blossom cherry tree in the backyard, and a white blossom tree... so is it too much to have more PINK? I think it will come down to sizes and also what they look like the other 50 weeks of the year... I'll post picts in a few weeks after we've chosen and planted. In the meantime, here's what we already have blooming in our garden....
What we've planted... : )
it's somebody's birthday soon......