Hi, my name is Anya and I live in Ohio. I've lived in Laguna Beach, Chicago, and New York City, and I never could have imagined I'd end up in Ohio. I think that explains the name of my Blog. I need to repeat it, see it in print, to remind myself where I am. Thanks for reading...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Virgin Komodo dragon is expecting
December 20, 2006
LONDON, England -- Flora, a pregnant Komodo dragon living in a British zoo, is expecting eight babies in what scientists said on Wednesday could be a Christmas virgin birth.
Flora has never mated, or even mixed, with a male dragon, and fertilized all the eggs herself, a process culminating in parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. Other lizards do this, but scientists only recently found that Komodo dragons do too.
"Nobody in their wildest dreams expected this. But you have a female dragon on her own. She produces a clutch of eggs and those eggs turn out to be fertile. It is nature finding a way," Kevin Buley of Chester Zoo in England said in an interview.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
But... I knew his name.
He had been experiencing some shortness of breath in the past week and was at his doctor's office getting a clean EKG just last Thursday. He was a BIG man.... not heavy, just really tall and muscular. He had felt mild chest pains and shortness of breath the day before, but figured it would pass. The morning he died, he got to work at 4:30 AM and soon was telling co-workers that he didn't feel very well and was going to sit down for a little bit. They all encouraged him to go home to rest. He sat at his desk, with 2 colleagues in his office with him, and picked up the phone to call his superior to let them know he would be going home. And before he could dial, he slumped forward and died. His colleagues did CPR until the medics got there, but he never regained consciousness. Even his wife got to his office before the ambulance took him away, but he was gone.
Everyone at work is in total shock. As one person said, "if you had told me 30 other names of colleagues who had died, I'd believe you. But not Henry." We have a lot of smokers here and one woman who literally sleeps with an oxygen tank at night. His daughter works here too -- she's 22 years old, and she and her Dad were *really* close. I can't imagine how she'll ever come back here.
I've worked here now for about 15 months, and of the 100 employees here, I think I can name about ten of them on sight. Henry was one of those guys I could name. He was somebody that you remembered meeting and who you wish you could know a little better.
My heart goes out to his family... and to my colleagues who are grieving.
And to everyone out there who ignores random pains and thinks "oh, it's nothing"... please just ALWAYS get it checked ASAP.
Monday, September 11, 2006
1,826 days...
My heart is in New York today -- and I wish I were there today. I'm working from home today -- I just couldn't bear to go into the office here -- where people just don't understand what 9/11 was like in NY. They use the day to be "pro-Bush", instead of what I need, which is to remember what happened. I got email responses from my executives at work this morning saying "have a nice day, see you tomorrow". *sigh* A nice day. Yeah. That Tuesday was a beautiful day... until it wasn't. I'm still heartwarmed and heartbroken by how amazing NYC was in the months after... We were all scared and hurting and sad beyond measure... but there was so much love and so much strength. I hope you're feeling that in NY today.
I miss the WTC lights. But I can close my eyes and imagine them... and that somehow makes me feel safe.

I wish us all peace... today and always.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Juicy & Ripe!

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Fight Scurvy!

Because friends don't let friends get scurvy.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Oh, and by the way, "ew" isn't in the official Scrabble dictionary. But it *should* be!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I just finished reading (and discussing) the book WICKED in my book club. Ok, this book is amazing! I loved it so much and just fell in love with the character of Elphaba (the future "Wicked Witch of the West"). She's green and she speaks her mind and knows her heart and she's honest and she fights for what she believes in and she won't conform... I love this green woman. The book is full of political and human rights issues, as well as animal rights. (What's an Animal vs. an animal...?) It's beautifully written and so imaginative.
I actually listened to it on TAPE, rather than reading it, however. And the 14-tape, 20 hour Audio Recording is marvelous.. the narrator is this wonderful man with a great storytelling voice and he voices all the parts and just really brings it to vivid life. I was so sad when I finished... I never wanted it to end, and I foolishly hoped that the Witch would survive somehow... I can't say enough... read it, or listen to it in the car... and then tell me what you think!!
Now I have the Judy Garland film in my house, waiting for viewing, so I can root against Dorothy this time... LOL.
And earlier this week... what did we have here sweeping through Columbus? A freaking tornado. Yup. A TORNADO. I'm sitting here working at around 7:00 PM and Peter calls to tell me about the sirens going off (I have no windows) and a parade of naked people could go down the street and I'd never know. So... I call the one other person left in my creeky old, dirty, totally-unsafe building... and he says he'll go outside to check it out. 10 minutes pass and he's not back. Oh great, I think... he's blown away!! Eventually he shows up... and we know we're supposed to go into the basement (meanwhile, Peter is driving himself home...!?!?), but the basement in THIS building is truly the least safe place to be. If the building crumpled, we'd never ever ever ever be found. So we wait it out until around 8:20 and then decide it's time to just leave and risk it. It was so eerie outside... completely SILENT, dead calm with no wind whatsoever, and dark, yet light at the same time. For a moment I wondered if I was standing right in the eye of the storm.
Lucky for me, I'm still in Kansas, uh... Ohio.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
3 years, 5 years
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Patti Coming Up Roses

While in Chicago, I was also able to spend time with my In-laws and neices and kitty cats, and that was such fun...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
PSA: See a Broadway Show
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Overheard In New York
Monday, July 24, 2006
Chicks Rule

Friday, July 21, 2006
You mean there are other people out there?
My neighbor/friend convinved me to join the neighborhood association board and so 5 minutes later, I was Secretary. Now she's moving away and I'm interim President. great. I get to hang with a bunch of older ladies every 6 weeks and discuss whether the flowers in the entrance are the right color. *sigh* But I will try to make some "changes" and create more little events for neighbors to get to know eachother. Otherwise, what the hell is the point??
I've joined a Book Club, with a group of "relatively newly-weds" here in the Columbus area. It's been good so far and I've met a couple of women that I can imagine becoming friends with. Plus I'm reading, which is always a good thing. So far, we've read: "My Sister's Keeper", by Jodi Picoult and Lance Armstrong's "It's Not About the Bike". (Sure Lance, that's because it's all about YOU... You know, I hugely respect his talent and what he overcame. It's a miracle and a testament to willpower, blah blah blah... but I just don't LIKE the guy very much, especially after reading his book. Ah well.).
Next, we're reading "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" (can I just listen to the Broadway Cast recording??), and then in Sept, Those Who Love, by Irving Stone, which I'm really excited about.
And since I'm President of my neighborhood association, I've also launched a neighborhood book club... and will host our first meeting in Sept. First book will be: The Tenth Circle, by Jodi Picoult.
What else... things I want to do, but keep putting off because "I don't have time" or "I'm tired"...
-- Volunteer again at the local Humane Society (where Sammi came from)
-- Volunteer at Ohio Citizen Action (I've done letter-writing campaigns for them so far)
-- Take Sammi on walks in more public places
-- Go to the Gallery Hops downtown
-- Go to Columbus Clippers baseball games
... and more... ?!?!?
Friday, July 07, 2006
See this film
An Inconvenient Truth
It IS backed up by scientists, 100%.
It is NOT a boring film... it's fascinating and it's OUR REALITY.
Yes, there are some long lingering shots on Gore that get annoying, but you know what, he's out there and he's telling this story and he's been trying to get people to listen for over TWENTY YEARS... and in that time we've already caused so much damage, it's insane.
- I don't care what your politics are, SEE THE FILM or buy the book. See the trailer...
- Drive a hybrid.
- Recycle.
- Donate to organizations that are helping supply water to countries who are running out.
- Beg your gov't leaders to force the auto industry to increase efficiency standards.
it's YOUR lifetime too.
More info at: www.climatecrisis.net
Monday, July 03, 2006
Soccer, Prejudice, and Naked People
I've been watching all the WORLD CUP SOCCER 2006 games and it's been fun, especially when I record the games on Univision, the Spanish channel. There's nothing like the excitement of the announcers on Univision! Watching these games always reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd watch them all summer with my Dad. We'd get so into it and everytime the Spanish announcer would shout " Goooooooooooooooooooool...! ", we'd turn the volume up REALLY high... It's not the same watching most of the games alone, but it's still one of my favorite sports to watch. It always amuses me how much most Americans hate the game. In the U.S., sport is all about scoring and points and goals... but that's not what athleticism is really about. Whatever. I can enjoy it along with 4 billion other people in the world.
I've mentioned before how I'm a "closet Democrat" at work, right? Well, two weeks ago, it got really bad again. Certain conversations were happening IN MY OFFICE that I seriously cannot even repeat here. It made me feel physically sick to my stomach -- the hatred and prejudice that some of these religious-far-right crazies feel for other human beings. It just doesn't jive with what Jesus was all about. But I guess that's no longer what they base their thoughts on. And then just this morning, one of my coworkers walked into my office holding the new book by that Ann Coulter-witch. Bleh. How can anyone read something so filled with hatred and think it's "so right"!?!? It blows my mind.
And now for what you've been waiting for... Naked People. This morning two of my female colleagues... young, innocent, midwestern farm girls who've never been anywhere except Ohio, Indiana and Florida... came in all excitedly to tell me a story that happened over the weekend. One of the girls was driving with her husband, and all of a sudden, there was a naked man running across the grassy area on the side of the highway. He ran up to the edge of the road and then got on all fours and proudly displayed his ass for world to see. She then got all quiet and mentioned something about there being a "toy" of some sort visible as well... hmmm... they were so disgusted they don't think they can eat today. I sympathized and agreed with the horror of it all, and then they left, and I'll I could think was.... *sigh* That's nothin'! I miss New York!
Alright, I tried for 20 minutes to upload a photo of the Naked Cowboy in Times Square, but something's wrong with Blogger today... You'll just have to imagine him... ; )
Monday, June 26, 2006
The least we can do
The show was CNN "Anderson Cooper 360" and it was his interview, on World Refugee Day, with ANGELINA JOLIE about her experiences with the UN and on her own as she has travelled the world visiting refugee camps. There is a little bit of fluff and repetition in the 2-hr presentation, but WOW, how it all hits home. We've all heard about and read about and seen glimpses of the horrors that occur around the world, but this piece really presented clearly and effectively what is happening and what we CAN DO ABOUT IT. I am hugely impressed with Jolie and her intelligence, diplomacy, and passion about this. Did you know she donates 1/3 of her income to these causes and she pays her own way for all of her UN-related travel?
(Say what you will about her as a celebrity or politically, she is doing more in this world than any of us will probably ever do -- and no offense to those of you who volunteer and give on a regular basis!)
One comment Angelina made has really stuck with me:
"But you think, Jesus, the things these people go through. I owe it to all of them to get myself together, to stop whining about being tired, and get there and get focused, and, because God, it's the least I can do."
I highly recommend you try to watch this program -- as a human being, I feel like we can't afford not to inform ourselves about what's happening. You can view videoclips of the interview online, and I believe they are repeating the entire 2-hr program this weekend on CNN. You can also read a transcript (which of course, doesn't do it justice) here: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/20/acd.01.html , and you can purchase a tape via CNN as well.
I truly believe that this should be REQUIRED viewing in schools, ages 13 and up... We need to be exposed to this stuff and we need our future leaders and world citizens to CARE about it.
Lastly, you can give to the causes to try to make a difference. Peter and I are struggling to save money and stick to a budget, but there was no way we could NOT give something. Our excuses would all be pretty lame when you consider what millions of people around the world are enduring. Please give if you can. After all, we are --all of us-- so fortunate for what we have.
Click to donate online:
It'll make you feel good... I promise.
More information about CNN's Refugee Day programming and the Jolie interview: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/refugee.day
More information about the UN's refugee program and actions around the world: http://www.unhcr.org
Because it's the least we can do...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Good times in bed

Saturday, May 13, 2006
One Ton and a Fire!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Rating my life @ 33
I would rate myself higher in several categories... but thought I'd share this...
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Everything is pink

We're getting ready to plant new trees and shrubs in our backyard, so I've been scoping out other people's yards to get ideas for what we'd want. What has pretty flowers, what makes a MESS with those pretty flowers two weeks later, which ones have annoying or sticky seedpods that mess up your lawn and your shoes, which ones grow UP and which grow OUT... It's all very fascinating and I've come to like way more plants that we'll have room to plant. But the weird thing I'm noticing is that everything seems to be about PINK. Most flowering trees (they only bloom for a couple of weeks, if that long) bloom either white or pink... There are about 10 different shades of pink from delicate and light to a dark rosy wine color. All very beautiful. But why Pink? Why not yellow or red or purple? hmm. We already have a beautiful pink-blossom cherry tree in the backyard, and a white blossom tree... so is it too much to have more PINK? I think it will come down to sizes and also what they look like the other 50 weeks of the year... I'll post picts in a few weeks after we've chosen and planted. In the meantime, here's what we already have blooming in our garden....
What we've planted... : )
Friday, April 21, 2006
Magnificent demons
The cast of the show... This is truly one of the most incredible theatre experiences I've ever had. We went to see it in March because Patti LuPone is starring, and left feeling transformed. It's a very unique production -- with the cast of 10 also acting as the orchestra and stage hands. They have no conductor, every note and movement is memorized and critical, and each person is on-stage and *involved* every second of the show. It's a an ensemble in the purest sense and they all produce magic. The show is dark and complex and the intimacy of this production makes it all the more powerful... you feel part of it -- you feel complicit somehow. Michael Cerveris is mesmerizing...
If you get to New York City... see SWEENEY TODD... it will surely walk away with a bucket-full of Tony Awards in June...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Speaking of beheadings
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Happy Easter
Sammi actually caught a baby bunny a few days ago... Peter was home and heard the "screaming"... ugh. He got Sammi out from under the deck, but we don't know what happened to the bunny, or if it's still alive. I'm hoping it survived at least long enough to get out from under our deck... ewwww.
And now we've also discovered that we have hedghogs living under the deck... lovely. We have to get rid of them though -- they're dangerous for Sammi and they could cause lots of problems in the yard and even to the house... ugh.
In honor of rabbits everywhere... HAPPY EASTER!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I'm in love
Yes, we finally got one and it's amazing... and it's especially amazing with our new Sony 50" LCD projector TV. I admit I have a TV addiction and my racing around to record multiple shows on our 2 VCRs was getting insane. There were VHS tapes everywhere. Precious time was being wasted. With TiVo, those shows will be recorded and I do nothing. I do nothing but live my life and work in the garden and enjoy time with Peter and Sammi... and I can watch when I want, with no stress. It's a lovely concept. But it's one I'll have to get used to. Last night I was up until 2:00 AM because... hey, there were shows Tivo had recorded for me that I could watch. I finally realized... they're not going anywhere, I can go sleep!
And after all the rebates, Tivo is only costing us about $9/month for the next 2 years. Not bad for major peace of mind. The TV, well, that's a different story - but man is it beautiful. We HAD to buy a new one because our old, 300 lb tube just DIED one morning. So, we upgraded. And the cool surprise is that this TV is somehow magic... we get an additional 40 digital channels that we don't pay for! Very nice. The downside is that we can't get those channels via VCR or TiVo, so we won't be able to record The Daily Show, but thank goodness we'll be able to watch it again.
So, that's been my life lately. Oh, and gardening... we chopped down another big tree in our yard.

Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wha--? (there's more)
*sigh* I look forward to pointing out to him that physical abilities are different from "fear of water"....
I swear to God... this was a real conversation. And he wasn't joking. OHMYGOD. I live in Ohio. I feel like I need a shower. NOTE: Of course, there are plenty of great black athletes in professional Hockey. Check it out if you're thinking that was a sane conversation...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Touching tennis story
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I broke my Blog and I can't get up
Anya's Public Service Announcement...
If you ever need a laugh and you've ever had a job or read the paper or you know, been outside, you'll get some good giggles reading the DILBERT BLOG. I had to close my office door today because I wanted to laugh out loud... His most recent 5-6 posts are just hilarious! Trust me. Read them.
1,095 days

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Hello Knees
Over the weekend, I had yet another ungraceful display of ankle twisting, sprawling to the ground action last weekend... and now I am once again familiar with my knees. Hello knees. What is this, the 30th time I've sponaneously sprained my ankle while standing or walking on a completely flat and safe surface? *sigh* Do I need to start using a cane? Wearing a splint? Seriously, what am I supposed to do? Lift little weights with my feet to make my ankle muscles stronger? That's probably the best bet to reduce the number of ridiculous falls.
This one on Saturday was particularly embarrasing. I really ate it... my right ankle (it's always the right one) just gave out and I went flying forward... landing and skidding on my knees and palms. I had my reading glasses in my hand (no case) because we were headed to the movies after a stop at the bar, and they got nice and scratched across the lenses. I turned myself around to a sitting position and didn't move for about 5 minutes. People were walking by me without comment, and my friend who was with me looked confused and sympathetic and wanted to help me up. Were I not an adult on a public sidewalk, I would have just started bawling... Body parts were hurting... I could feel my knees bleeding, and I couldn't decide yet whether my ankle would be walkable. And finally I got up because we were late meeting up with our friends inside the bar (10 feet away, on the other side of the floor-length window through which they could all watch my sprawl).
Overall, not a huge catastrophe, I know. But it was a sucky way to start a fun night out. I was painfully aware of my minor injuries throughout the evening, despite the 8-9 drinks I consumed to dull the sting. Dancing was out, but I did attempt a game of pool.
Now I kinda wish I had it on film... I'm sure it was hilarious to see... ; )
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It was a bit of a bummer to come home again, but Sammi was pretty happy to see us. I wouldn't want to move back at this point, but it's a part of me and I need my NYC-fix from time to time... I'm just happy to know it's THERE.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Cars (3), Anya (0)

*sigh* Another reason to miss Manhattan...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
You smoke. You die.
I can't believe I'm actually sort of "defending" smokers here, but I would say my friend John is an exception in that he was able to quit so easily. For most people, it's extremely extremely difficult and nearly impossible without help. I've known people who have WATCHED THEIR LOVED ONE DIE a painful death for months... and they still smoke. I don't get it either. I can't imagine being so weak and so stupid that I would keep smoking with all that we know about it today. Perhaps people who seemingly quit smoking easily are actually transferring their "addiction" to something else? I don't necessarily mean something negative or destructive, but just SOMETHING that can consume them in a similar way or be an outlet.
What is truly incredible to me is that if cigarettes were invented TODAY, there's no way in hell they would EVER be made legal. They are toxic, they are poison. They cause cancer in the user AND IN EVERYONE ELSE AROUND THEM. No way would it be approved today. But it's still legal because everyone's addicted AND of course... it brings in billions of dollars to tobacco companies, the federal government, and the health insurance companies, the cancer drug companies, the cancer specialists, etc.
I mean, god forbid we prevent all these illnesses... the country will slip into an economic depression!
(and then people will want cigarettes again...)
Ah, the sweet cycle of stupidity.
Employers are now able to compell their "at will" employees to quit smoking or be fired. On a moral/emotional level, I say "good riddance!" and go for it. But I don't know what the exact legalities are, and it confuses me. Because for instance, if they can justify firing smokers because they cost the company money in health care and lost time/wages if they get sick... then how come that same logic doesn't apply to say... pregnancy? Or eating lunch at McDonald's everyday? Or not exercising for 10 years? Each of those actions are choices made by the employee and each can impact cost to the company.
It's a fuzzy line because I'm all for personal freedoms and if you want to trash your body, I don't care as long as it doesn't effect me. But higher insurance costs do affect me. Higher taxes (for such stupid things) affect me. My thinking would actually be that companies should be able to refuse healthcare plans for smokers. Let smokers (or smoking spouses) get their own individual insurance. Then it won't cost the employer or the other employees via higher rates across the company.
But really, politicians need to stand up and ultimately BAN smoking all-together. Someday we'll be ashamed it was legal as long as it's been.
Here's a fun little story... A colleague here at work told me that his 11 year old son came home from school last week and got right up in his face and said "YOU SMOKE. YOU DIE!" And he said "What?" and the kid kept repeating it... "YOU SMOKE. YOU DIE!" Apparently, he'd had a health lesson about smoking at school that day and wanted to convince his Dad to quit. This brought me to tears. It really did. And I said to the guy "Please go home tonight and THANK your son for saying it and tell him to KEEP saying it until you quit". He told me he once quit for an entire year, and then eventually started up again. If his son's pleas can't motivate him to stop, I don't know what can. Just wait until the poor kid learns about second-hand smoke.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
My library card
This weekend I watched two films that I really enjoyed. Neither was what I expected, so the surprise factor was fun.
Yup... Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford. I had never seen this film and so many people declare it to be their favorite (well, no one I actually know personally, but...), so I felt that before I could make judgements about people actually liking Barbra Streisand, I had to see it for myself. I expected a gushy romance movie, and that is so NOT what it is! It's about politics, about will, about the Bill of Rights and McCarthyism, war vs. peace, men vs. women, and whether love can survive passionate differences of opinions and priorities. It was quite a fascinating movie and very interesting after having loved GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK just a few months ago. The actual love story is a slow build and not at all mushy, but the character development is deep and believeable. Both characters are wonderfully flawed and they don't have a perfect ending. Yes, I did cry at the end, but it wasn't my regular "sappy movie" cry (because I'll cry at anything sappy), it was a very true feeling of pain and sadness because it was recognizable and it was real. Kudos to Redford and yes to Streisand too, for wonderfully layered performances. The other (annoying surprise) is that THAT DAMN SONG is played in the opening credits already! But, honestly, it works, and I didn't hate it so much by the end.
I rented (oops, I mean borrowed!) this movie because it's German and I had heard great things about it. I feel an obligation as well as a personal interest to see good German films and support not only their work, but also my own need to immerse myself in the language and culture a little bit whenever I can. I loved this movie! It's now on my "I want to own this" list because it really touched me and I did love ignoring the subtitles and enjoying the German language even when I couldn't understand every word. The title actress is wonderful and magnetic and I really related to her character. She's a bit set in her ways and becomes completely unglued when her life gets shaken up on her. Cooking seems to be her best (and sometimes only) way of communicating with other people... she's awkward and unfortable in normal social situations. The storyline isn't what I'd call an award-winning screenplay, but it's a lovely story with characters you grow to care for. The little girl, Lina, is a great distraction and you just find yourself rooting for her to get whatever she wants. And the food is rich and somehow passionate... as if it were it's own character. A lovely film.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
pizza and ice cream
Friday, February 10, 2006
Broken blog
Oh and if you scroll down you'll see a "new" post about our trip to Vegas. Don't know why they won't let me change the date... annoying feature. Or "missing feature", I should say.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
What is Cute?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Vegas, baby!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Films of 2005
I think 2005 was a pretty damn good year for films -- I have lots of favorites and I believe several categories hold 5 very very deserving nominees. I'm thrilled about all the nominations for GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK and BROKEBACK.
My favorite films of the year:
(need to see MUNICH and MATCH POINT)
And here are my personal shocks and disappointments after reviewing the nominee list again:
-- WALK THE LINE - not nominated for Best Picture!!! How is that possible?
-- CAPOTE - doesn't belong in the Best Picture category (stole the spot from WALK THE LINE)
-- CINDERELLA MAN - should have been nominated for Best Picture, Best Director for Ron Howard, and Best Actor for Russell Crowe. I never even liked Crowe until this film! Frankly, I also think Renee Zellweger is worthy of a nod.
-- CRASH - In my opinion doesn't belong in the Best Picture or Best Director category (acting, yes; screenplay, maybe). I'm pissed that it took the spot from other more deserving films and directors, like:
-- MATCH POINT & Woody Allen were shut out from Best Picture and Best Director (I guess, despite critical acclaim, this is not his comeback afterall...)
-- KING KONG & Peter Jackson were shut out from Best Picture and Best Director (I actually really liked this film, and I kinda feel for the guy this morning, since he probably hoped his whole life that this would be his big film)
-- Only THREE (3) Songs nominated for Best Song - WTF??! What happened to the song from BROKEBACK that won the Golden Globe?? Weird
-- ERIC BANA not nominated for MUNICH? I haven't even seen the film, but I hear he's excellent. Too bad.
Those are my thoughts for now... I'm sure I'll get more worked up about it as we get closer to March 5th. By the way, I'll be taping the awards show as I'll be flying home from New York City (yay!) that night...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Ice out to get me
Our street had not been plowed or salted when I left for work and as I approached the stop sign at the intersection... my car wouldn't stop. I pushed the brake as far and hard as I could... while the car inched forward, creeping into the intersection. I look to my left and see a big yellow school bus heading towards me... Gah! Miraculously, the car did finally come to a stop, about 2 feet into the road. In my rear view mirror, I see another car approaching.... "please let him stop, so he doesn't ram me into this bus!" I survived, obviously. Later it occurred to me that I hadn't thought of a few things... like pulling the parking brake, or ... at what point should I be bailing out of the car and running away? I thought of those stories of people stuck on train tracks, frozen in fear, and they die because they don't think to get out of their car. Later my car did it's lurching thing again and I panicked the whole way to work thinking it would stall on me again.
Flash-forward to the evening. I come home after the gym and take Sammi on a quick walk around the neighborhood. It's really cold out, but I'm still warm from my workout. Sammi is so excited to be outside and she's tugging me along... until I hit an icy patch on the sidewalk... and BOOM I'm on the ground. Ouch! I felt like an idiot, I felt mad at Sammi, and I hurt. : ( I muttered obscenities as I limped my way back home. Took a long, hot shower and sat down on the couch for the rest of the night.
Today it's in the low 50's (bizarre turn of weather), so I'm hoping for a better day...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
My Loki
I miss him already. I miss his little noises, running back and forth across his cage, batting his swing around, and his inane banging of his head into the ground. And of course, his singing and greetings when we'd come into the room. First thing when I walk into the house when I get home, I say "hi Loki!" and he'll chirp and sing in response. In the morning, when one of us pulls his cover off the cage, he'd always greet us with a cheerful chirp to say HI.
I know people don't think birds are much for pets, but he was my boy -- for such a huge chunk of my life. I found his name in my 7th grade history book -- "Loki: the Norse God of Fire, and a mischief maker."
Please do me a favor to honor Loki...